Saturday, 27 March 2010

McDonalds 2009 A Fine Vintage

rotten - fruit
Originally uploaded by ladypictureshow
In the Guardian Guide section today there was a link listed to a story about a woman who left a McDonald's Happy Meal out on a shelf for a year.

Clicking on it I'd thought it would be gross, but it looks practically the same. Worth a look. You've got to wonder what food that doesn't rot would do to your body.

Since doing Atkins, and then even more with Primal, so much more of my food has been in the fridge. I think that freshness and the amount of time something takes to go bad must be a factor related to health. My fridge is crammed with vegetables, salad leaves and hard fats, whereas the cupboard has just nuts, seeds, eggs and spices. (And my husband's carbs, but I ignore them!)

With Primal as opposed to Atkins, one of the best things is that I can have a fruit bowl with actual fruit in!NB Atkins does have a berries, and then a fruit rung, but I could never quite get there. With Primal Blueprint, fruit is on the menu from the start. Yay!


Anonymous said...

That happy meal thing is crazy!

Primal Ninja said...

Hi Muslfethis - yes definitely! It reminds me of the non-flammable Twinkie I saw on Youtube:

Apparently if a blowtorch won't burn it, neither can your body.

Also what is a twinkie?! We don't have them here.

Primal Ninja said...

Typo - Muslfetish!

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