Or - time flies when you are having the most fun ever! I've been part of the Fresh Meat 12 week programme for 10 weeks now and we've gone through:
- falls
- stops
- pack work
- core
- endurance
- speed
- whips
And yesterday we finally did hits! We all took our skates off, lined up and went down the line bashing each other. It was great! BUT I felt like I was holding back a little bit. It was the similar feeling that I used to get with kickboxing. Maybe I'm unsure, or just not competitive but I find it hard to give it 100%. Also, I'm probably the biggest lass there and I didn't want to hurt anyone. This is not the attitude needed for roller derby!
Kickboxing did fully prepare me for hits though. Being shoulder barged (in shoes at least) is nothing compared to holding a pad for a side kick from a man with something to prove. When we did that you'd have to plant your feet wide, brace yourself and try not to show fear. Oh and one or two people would also stand behind you to catch you. In derby there are no people to catch you, and you have wheels strapped to your feet. So actually, maybe it is harder but it is also 10,000,000 times more fun.
SO the Fresh Meat is going well but in other news I am not feeling good. I have allergies to food and/or pollen for the first time. I am feeling a little out of control around food and sugar is becoming an issue. I am sure I will drone about this many more times but basically I have become less and less able to use willpower to go low carb. I have been low, ill and down. I remembered about 3 years ago I read The Diet Cure by Juila Ross, which uses supplementation to deal with food addiction and low mood. I am eagerly awaiting my copy and hoping I can finally deal with my food demons once and for all.
Hey I found your blog googling "primal" and "roller derby," as I am currently transitioning from regular gluten-free eating to primal.
Did it successfully for a little while, and felt great... however, as of late I have been on the sugar wagon for sure!!
Anyways, I am also a derby girl and trying to figure out how to balance out intense cardio from practice and the sugar cravings that follow... how is it working out for you??
I can eat primal no sweat when I am just screwing around and not regularly exercising, but once on a regular practice schedule I go bananas for sweets...
Hey Megan Havoc - love the name! This is a really interesting question, and something I am struggling with myself. I haven't been doing primal successfully for long enough to know how I fare on it in regards to cardio, but I was expecting it to be fine once I got into the groove. Maybe though I am crazy on sweets because of it....hmm.
However, when I did Atkins I used to easily do 2-4 hours of intense exercise like kickboxing gradings. If I was in ketosis then I had absolutely no energy problems at all. I wonder if my problem (not necessarily the problem, as everyone is different) might be that I never get fully into ketosis so so my energy is always flagging.
But it might be that you are someone who doesn't have to get into ketosis? Or feels better not to? I think in Mark's Primal book and Daily Apple posts people sometimes take in more carbs immediately after workouts. That is something that Rachel Cosgrove recommends in The Female Body Breakthrough.
Not sure if that is a helpful response. You could post on the Daily Apple site - cardio is cardio I guess, though derby intensity is hard to beat. Great to find a primal rollergirl!
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