Monday, 22 February 2010

Musing Over Different Primal Approaches

I've called this blog Primal Ninja because I like the word Primal over Cavewoman or Paleo Ninja.

Having done some more research it is now clear that there are two main books about this sort of lifestlye. The first is the Primal Blueprint by Mark Sission. His website is really good - a lot of key info on there. If I can work out how to make a link I will. I'm a book junkie, so I have ordered this book and am peering eagerly out the window each morning for the postwoman.

The second book is Loren Cordain's The Paleo Diet. There seems to be less about this online and when life is a bit less crazy I'll write a proper review here. This book has some simple rules, but they are also quite severe, to a 'normal' way of thinking. But I guess 'normal' is the problem, right? And having done Atkins I feel I am halfway there already. It involves: good quality lean meats and fish, vegetables, fruits. No grain, no dairy, no sugar.

Let me say that again. No grain, no dairy, no sugar. No grain, no sugar, fine - I can do that. No dairy?! Yikes, what am I getting myself into? I know I can probably get used to it, but no cream, no cheese, no MAYO?!?! Oh the humanity! Mayo got me through 3+ years of Atkins!

Even scarier - eggs are limited. I can see the reasoning Cordain gives - eggs wouldn't have been around with a great deal of frequency or in great number in the ol' paleo days. But as a low-carber I am used to seeing eggs as a fail-safe breakfast option. What will I eat for breakfast - a big hunk of meat?

This will take some getting used to. There are menu plans, and I'll share my thoughts and my menu plan when I have put some time in figuring it all out. But right now, I'm a bit nervous, but having read more I am feeling sure that this approach will work and make me feel good, IF I can sick with it.

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